Conscious Singles Success Stories

Conscious Singles Testimonials

Success Stories


Healing and Growing Deeper in Love

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there. 
I have been on your website for just over half a year and had enjoyed dating different guys and getting to know myself deeper through my connection with them. I was almost giving up on dating when I decided to give it another go and I had a last date with a guy who I found just totally attractive and a perfect match on every level of existence. We continued dating, meditating and working on ourselves and our relationship and we have an ever deepening intimacy, love and...

Destined to be Together


I've always had a knowing that the woman I was destined to be with was out there waiting for me. A few years ago I was drawn to start my search for her using "newageconnections". It wasn't long before my search was ended and I met Ilda. Our interactions were truly wonderful and I felt as if we had known each other for lifetimes before our meeting. We finished each other's thoughts and always knew what the other was feeling. It wasn't long before we became emotionally inseparable and fell into love together. Due to complications with covid we...

When Rom met Com…

From Ravindra: After years of online dating using mainstream sites I tried Natural Awakenings Singles and quickly found Houneida who was living in Athens, Greece. All she wrote on her profile was “I am ready and willing to co-create a conscious partnership full of play, adventure, and personal growth! Would you be willing to embark with me?” Instantly, I was intrigued and accepted her challenge by sending her a message. Within a few days of emailing on the site we started video chatting and I took her on a "virtual date"....

New York Twin Meets Tennessee Flame

Jill, we depart your site with hearts overflowing in thanks and gratitude.
The promise of Spiritual Singles and affiliates of facilitating conscious connections and uniting beloveds.  Dear Reader, that promise is alive in the joyous reunion of Twin Flames Elaine and Tony.  (Our stories were written separately.)
Elaine's Glow Tony and I both became instantly bonded when we connected on Green Singles February 13th.  When Tony told me we were "Twin...

We're Married!

Dear, Jill... 

Anna and I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful websites where we met, and we're very happy to announce that we recently got married on May 19, 2019!!
I had been on many mainstream dating sites including, POF, but I found that many of the women there were not serious about a long-term relationship... 
When I started using with a renewed commitment to finding my soulmate, I found...

New York to England!

Anna and I met first on your beautiful website where conscious singles can meet others who are on a similar path.  We began our first conversation with plenty of questions about spirituality, meditation, and personal development. We were both thrilled to find someone equally as interested in the same ideas that we both loved.


Every message that we sent to each other went deeper and deeper.  Within a few weeks of messaging each other, we decided to move our conversation to WhatsApp where we could send longer messages and...

First Date After Joining!

Hi Jill!

You asked me to let you know when I met my sweetie, and, well - I met him!

We are heading off on holiday soon and will be spending Valentine’s Day abroad, on our 8-month-iversary! We met in June. He was my first date after signing up with Conscious Singles on a whim, having sworn never to try internet dating, and wow, was I thrilled! After so many years of being single, and then psyching myself up to be open to a long-distance romance, I was blown away to meet someone local, whose...

Perfect in our Imperfections

Dear Jill,

We both thank you deeply from our souls as we have met and married thanks to you and your beautiful site. We had spent countless hours on the phone for 5 months and then planned to meet "live" on Jan,18, 2019 in India. (I am from the USA and Tenzing is from India).  We went to Nepal and Rishikesh, 3 weeks in each place, and met some very special Lamas in Nepal. These Lamas told us that our destiny was to be married before the Tibetan New Year, and we both felt the same, so we did!

A Touching Unusual Testimonial

Nearly 4 years ago (received Jan 2019), a member named William contacted me and we began communicating. At first when I spoke to him on the phone, I was shocked to hear his Louisiana drawl, which I later grew to love. We talked frequently, sometimes several times a day. We had unbelievable similarities going on in our lives. He was a single father fighting for his kids in court. I was a single mother fighting for my granddaughter in court. His family actually had a camp in the same small town in Mexico which has also been a big part of my life too. Both of us were Buddhists. He...

Knew Instantly

We are sooooo grateful for Jill Crosby’s wonderful idea of creating the Conscious Dating Network. As soon as we met in a lovely London Cafe we both felt an electricity between us. We are both very dedicated 'A Course In Miracles’ teacher/students and that was a massive plus. We also both love the teachings of Abraham as delivered by Esther Hicks so we had a lot in common.

One of the biggest plusses for us on your site is the extremely in depth Sexual Compatibility questionnaire. We both believe that a very compatible sexual side of the relationship is crucial for us as...

How Bonnie and Clyde Met

Both looking for romance, of course, and politics provided a strong foundation. All their lives:  politics – always politics – and romance mostly a dream. Kids and marriages came and went. Then at the combined age of 141, there he was, “Mr. Politico,” online, looking for a traveling companion. And Bonnie, just 2 days old on Green Singles, with the tagline “Lioness Looking for her Lion,” wrote “liked your profile – you seem honest and straightforward.” Coffee being out of the question – she lived...

Important Things in Common

My wife, Casey,  and I met through Green Singles almost five years ago.  From our profiles, we already knew that we had important things in common, and none of the typical deal breakers. After dating for a few years, we decided to get married,  outdoors, of course, in the church of the open sky on Folly Beach,  South Carolina.  We celebrate our first anniversary next month. I don't think we would have met without Green Singles. 
Thank you!
NOTE: Green Singles...

Exactly What I Asked the Universe...

Dear Jill,

I wish to express by gratitude and thanks to you and your team for creating such a good meeting place for spiritually minded people to get in touch with one another.

I have been successful in finding someone very special to share my life with.  My new partner, Elizete, is a Brazilian lady and earlier this year I had the pleasure of flying to Brazil to meet her and spend time with her. Also, Elizete has just visited me in Australia and we had the most amazing time.  I am moving to Brazil in Mid-December to...

Rome and Los Angeles Love Story

Dear Jill,

Me (TURAN) and my dearest (ITEWKER) met on your site on September 2017, He lives in Los Angeles, like my son, and I live near Rome in Italy. After many months of talking finally we really met on 5th April 2018 and a real strong love story was confirmed between us.

Now we are organizing to have a succesfull life together soon somewhere.

We want to thank your site that gave us this destiny chance to really found a twin...

Searching My Entire Life!!

My husband died on January 20, 2018. We had twelve precious years together and met on Green Singles, fall of 2006. Loads of synchronicity also helped us find each other; we became inseparable. Am grieving hard these days but will always be grateful to your organization; when we met we were 64 & 68! Arthur lived in Oregon and I lived in Lake Geneva WI. Within a week were talking way too long on the phone every night, and the upshot is that I sold my Earth-friendly B&B and relocated to the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon. Here is one of my favorite...

Creative Radicals in Love!

We met on Green Singles exactly one year ago today. We are stunned by the depth of our extraordinary intimacy and connection--on EVERY level, and could never have imagined anything so perfect!!!
Thank you for giving us this unbelievable gift of sharing the rest of our lives. 
Creative Radicals in Love, 
Rob and Cara
NOTE: Green Singles is part of the Conscious Dating Network which is comprised of many...

Love Of My Life!

Updated, recent Success story:

My wife and I met on your site over two years ago now.  She was in NY and I was Oregon.  We met on New Years Eve and we both called our friends and family the next day and said, "I found my life partner!"  I had tried Match in the past but simply did not resonate with most of the people.  Your site is a "smaller pond," but the members vibrate at a higher level.

I have told many people about your site and everyone is so appreciative!  It is like an oasis in the dating...

Love at First Email

From Anyaa: 

Two years after a spiritual teacher predicted I would meet my Sacred Union partner, he finally showed up on my view page on Spiritual Singles (he was on Green Singles). I guess neither of us were ready until now!  Joe and I recognized each other immediately as past beloveds in some other time and place, and have not missed a day of contact in 3 months. Our first date was 12 days long!
He is moving to where I live in the Spring. We are very happy together and as later in life partners, we...

The Universe has delivered, and we...

We are blessed! Almost seven years ago France and I met on Green Singles and we took off like a wildfire. France had been on Green Singles for almost a year and was ready to move on when I came aboard and “winked” at her during my first week. We attribute our deep spiritual intimacy to each of us being completely honest in our profiles, and our numerous alignments (especially our love of nature, water, camping, sensuality and personal growth).

We met face-to-face after five weeks of emails and phone chats. With champagne and flowers in hand, I drove to her...

Custom Built for each other

From Shelly:

I’m a chiropractor and facilitator of Access Consciousness. A patient told me about your site in 2009, and I created a profile and then forgot about it. I closed my practice in Arizona in 2010 and moved to Portugal to buy a chiropractic office, only to realize 4 months later that it wasn’t going to work out. I was like most entrepreneurial women out there – no time for dating, business was first.

Using the tools of Access Consciousness, I did become extremely clear about what I desired and required from a partner,...